The Hot Dog

There are very few food items that are considered to be as ‘American’ as the hot dog. While certain regions, such as New York, tend to be identified strongly with the food, hot dogs are popular all over the country. And when it comes to street foods the hot dog reigns supreme.

The American Hot Dog: A Historical Review

As with many aspects of American culture, the hot dog was introduced to America by immigrants – specifically, German immigrants. The Wiener-style sausage was popular in Frankfurt, where most of the emigres were from. Over time, preparation style and condiments have Americanized the hot dog, with many regional variations proving to be popular.

Although the German Frankfurter was traditionally made from a beef and pork mixture, Jewish American butchers used an all-beef mix since pork is prohibited by their religion. This caught on, and to this day, the American hot dog is usually made from 100% beef.

What Makes the Hot-Dog an Iconic Street Food?

As with all popular street foods, the hot dog owes its iconic stature to how easy it is to consume while on the go. It is an uncomplicated food consisting of a sausage wrapped between buns and topped with condiments.

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